Complete supplement for the entire dry phase
✓ It satisfies the needs of the cow by providing trace elements and vitamins with very high bioavailability.
✓ It removes hypocalcemia in the pre- and post-partum phase.
✓ It reduces the problems related to potassium.
✓ Increase ingestion.
✓ Boost the immune system.
✓ It protects against clinical and sub-clinical ketaxis, therefore from hepatic statosis or dislocation of the abomasum.
✓ It is formulated to protect the nutrients it contains thanks to antioxidant and antioxidant agents.
Product created ad hoc for the entire pre-birth phase
✓ Helps contain hypocalcemia and hyperkalemia.
✓ Reduces the frequency of placenta retentions.
✓ Helps the liver metabolize lipids by containing ketones and liver statosis.
✓ It increases the ingestion and avoids the negative energy balance.
✓ Contains powerful anti-inflammatories of natural origin.
✓ Contains: Nutricab®, Byorizae, Kessent, Xtract Ruminant® e