Optimizes the growth performance of suckling pigs

✓ Promotes the reduction of the mortality of suckling pigs by 70-80%.
✓ Promotes a lower rate of mobilization of the sow's body reserves.
✓ At weaning, the piglets will weigh more, will be much more vigorous and healthy.
✓ Piglets will be more homogeneous and with less underweight.
✓ It promotes the increase in the number and quality of the eggs at the next ovulation .

Supplements for the self-production of weaning feeds

✓ Maintenance of growth homogeneity of piglets.
✓ Reduction of the risk of post weaning diarrhea.
✓ Perfect balance of amino acid needs.
✓ Creation of a balanced and stable microbiota.
✓ High possibility of digestion and assimilation of nutrineti.